Inaugration Day - Monday - January 20, 2025
Precinct Chairs Needed - See GOP Page For Details
Precinct and County Convention
March 23rd - Starts 9:00 am - Rm 102 in Annex
We Offer Support at Election Times
When candidates are running for election, they often bring signs to our building and we hand them out per their instructions.
In the case of really large signs that require posts - we have volunteers who will come and install the signs for you!
At election time, we can get really busy. So we have volunteers who come up and sit at the front desk to answer your questions. If we don't know the answer - we do our best to find it!
We always need volunteers to work at events and hand out material and sign people up for our mailing list. Go to ourCONTACT page and send us a message that you want to help.
And when all else fails - you can always drop in to ask a question. If a representative of the club isn't here, leave your name and number with someone else and we will get back with you.